International figure skating camps
18/02/2025, official news:
Camp will be held in Canillo, ANDORRA
17th to 21th of April 2025
Legal advice
Legal Notice
By virtue of the law of December 18th on the protection of personal data, we inform you that your data shown in this communication are incorporated into a file for the business enterprise ICEPLANET-SLU NRT: L-712690-M, enrolled in the register of companies of very illustrious Government of Andorra, located in Av. Sant Joan de Caselles, Edifici Vilaedra, 2n A, AD100 Canillo- Andorra; Numero de comerc 927467 R . The purpose of this file is to manage the service requested.
The user grants the authenticity of all data communicated through and will maintain and will update the information provided to ICEPLANET-SLU., so that it corresponds to the real situation, solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made, as well as prejudices caused thereby to ICEPLANET-SLU or a third.
ICEPLANET-SLU. cannot assume any responsibility for the incorrect, inappropriate or unlawful information appearing in the websites of ICEPLANET-SLU
With limits established by law, ICEPLANET-SLU assumes no liability for the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in its internet sites. The contents and information of ICEPLANET-SLU websites are made by suitability qualified professionals to exercise their profession. However the content and information not binding, and do not constitute an opinion, advice or legal counseling, it is just a service offered for an informative way.
The internet webpages of ICEPLANET-SLU. may contain links to the third party websites. ICEPLANET-SLU. will not be able to assume the responsibility for the content that may appear on these other third pages. Texts, images, sounds, software and other content included on this site are the exclusive property of ICEPLANET-SLU. or its licensors. Any transmission, distribution, reproduction, or storage or communication public totally or partial must be approved and consented by ICEPLANET-SLU.
In order to access to ICEPLANET-SLU. services offered through the website, some personal data will be provide. In compliance with the provisions of articles 15, 22, 23, 24 according to the law 15/2003 of December 18th.We inform you that your personal data will be stored and processed in ICEPLANET-SLU. files in order to offer our services. Also advised of the possibility of exercising rights of access, rectification, cancelation and opposition of your personal data to Av. Sant Joan de Caselles, Edifici Vilaedra, 2n A, AD100 Canillo – Principat d’Andorra, or sending an email to
Moreover, your acceptance to this Legal Notice is also providing explicit consent to ICEPLANET-SLU. to send you marketing advertising or promotional through e-mail or other equivalent means of communication, in the terms established by law 34/2002, for services of the information society and e-commerce. If you are not interested in receiving such communications you can come to ICEPLANET-SLU in the above through email expressing your willingness.
Filling and sending the appropriate form of this website, the user accepts and authorize that personal data are automatically treated by ICEPLANET-SLU. If you include in this form personal data held by third parties, just before inclusion, you should obtain previous consent and inform them of all the contents mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Intellectual Property
Content provided by ICEPLANET-SLU is subject to intellectual and industrial rights. Property rights belong exclusively to ICEPLANET-SLU. or natural or legal persons who report thought the acquisition of a ICEPLANET-SLU. service or product. ICEPLANET-SLU., acquisition does not grant any right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication on this matter, reserving all the rights to ICEPLANET-SLU. The assignment of these rights will require the prior written consent of the holder thereof, so that the costumer cannot make available to third parties such content.
Intellectual property spreads, in addition to the content included to ICEPLANET-SLU but also graphics, logos, designs, pictures, and source codes used for programming. ICEPLANET-SLU has obtained the information and materials on the web from reliable sources, and it has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the information is correct. ICEPLANET-SLU cannot guarantee that all the times and circumstances that in information is accurate, complete and updated and in consequence not reliable. ICEPLANET-SLU expressly disclaims any responsibility for mistakes or omissions in the information contained in website pages.
ICEPLANET-SLU reserves the right to modify, to suspend to cancel or straiten the content of the website, links or information obtained through this, without previous notice. In any case it assumes any liability resulting from the wrong manipulation of the web by the user, both information and all sources included.
In any case ICEPLANET-SLU , its branches or its workplaces, its directors, and attorneys , workers and in general authorized staff will not be responsible for any damage, lost, claim, or expense caused directly or indirectly by the use and/ or diffusion of the web or the information acquired or accessed by or through its computer bugs , operation failures or disruption or failures in in the transmission line in the use of the web for both direct connection by link or by other means, being for all legal purposes a warning to any user that these possibilities and event can happen.
ICEPLANET-SLU, is not responsible of the websites belonging to others which may be accessed via links or any content posted by third parties. Any use of a link or a website will be conducted by the will and exclusive risk of the user, ICEPLANET-SLU. does not recommend or guarantee any kind of information or facts provided through any link, and it is not liable for any loss, claim and prejudice arising from the use or misuse, or the information obtained through it, including other links or webs, for the information in service or access , or the attempt to use or misuse a link both connected to ICEPLANET-SLU. website as access information from other sites of the same.
Cookie Policy
Sometimes this site uses “cookies “which are small files created on the user’s computers and provide the following information:
1- Data and time of the last viewing of the user
2- Design and content that the user choose in his first visit to the site
3- Safety elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas
4- In Other similar circumstances the user has the option to prevent the creation of cookies by selecting the appropriate recourse on the browser. However ICEPLANET-SLU. is not responsible for the deactivation of these impair the proper functioning of the web.
Industrial and intellectual property
This site is property of ICEPLANET-SLU. The rights of intellectual property as well as exploitation and reproduction of this web, webpages, screens, all information contained, appearance , design, as well as hiperlinks established from these pages to other web pages of any other subsidiary society and / or dominated of ICEPLANET-SLU. are exclusively property of the mentioned society unless another thing are specified. Any name , design and /or logo, as well as any other product or service offered present in this website, are trademarks properly registered by ICEPLANET-SLU, by his subsidiary societies , and or dominated by third parties.
Any misuse by the same or by people other than the legitimate holder and without the express consent and unequivocal of the owner, will be reported, pursued, through legal means existing under Andorran or European laws.
The intellectual and trademarks property rights of third parties are conveniently highlighted and must to be respect for all people accessing to our web page, not liable for ICEPLANET-SLU, the usage made by the user, solely liable in their individual. You can only download for personal and private use content, copy or print any page of this website. It is prohibited to reproduce transmit, modify or delete the information, content or warnings from this website without prior written consent from ICEPLANET-SLU
Aplicable law and jurisdiction
These terms of conditions shall be governed by the laws of Andorra, being competent Andorran courts to entertain any questions that arise concerning the interpretation, application and compliance with the same. The user by accepting the conditions contained in the legal notice, expressly waives any privilege for the application of the law of civil procedure act may be applicable.