International figure skating camps
18/02/2025, official news:
Camp will be held in Canillo, ANDORRA
17th to 21th of April 2025
Our classic historical formula
when all the talents and cultures meet
Our force is our diversity! 30 different nationalities meet, exchange, learn, share and discover opportunities of improvment, new angles, new views, new friends.

Several years of experience
This is more than a camp, it is a life experience, a journey who make you richer. ICEPLANET team always did keep updated, regarding technic, method and new tools. Diversity in the team, but also unity with a close collaboration and communication between the members of team.

what include our camp:
1 session on ice by day of skating skills work with one specialist
2 sessions on ice by day of technic with a maximum of 5 skaters by coach.
1 session physical trainning off ice by day with a dedicated professional specialist
1 session of ballet/ dance / pilate / yoga by day with a professional coach
1 group dance performance filmed at the end of every week of camp
1 social performance/ internal competition every saturday with different thematic
A certain spirit, a serious and friendly approach of our sport with an unique goal:
reaching the optimal individual self development inside of a positive and friendly atmosphere.
Some great memories for life!

Sport and nature :
Come and see by yourself!
Fantastic country, with great landscape, top quality hotel with a real luxe quality hotel services, great structure with a professional team for ice, off ice and security of kids 24/24.
You are very welcome!